Las Vegas

August 2024

A fun, science-based experience that boosts your confidence, career, and connections in just a single weekend.

These will likely be the only dates in 2024. Don't sit on the sidelines for another year.



Discover your X-Factor, unlock your potential and WIN at work, love & life!
Las Vegas
Become the most confident, successful & happy you
Master elite social skills & advanced emotional intelligence so you can unlock your personal magnetism, read people like a book, approach anyone confidently, land your dream job, find your soulmate, build a powerful network, & transform your life!

Are you ready to step into the spotlight & develop meaningful connections that enrich your life on every level?

Building confidence, charisma & charm that quickly captivates anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Becoming a bonafide conversationalist who never has to rely on talking about the weather ever again.
Developing life-long relationships with people who make everyday feel like the best one yet.
Good! That means you're definitely in the right place. 😉

But here’s the thing about mastering social dynamics:

Most people never learn how to navigate the subtle nuances in human behavior, psychology, and emotional intelligence.

Or if they have, it often takes them years of practice to even get “good” at it.
We're here to put an end to that!
And we're here to put
an end to that!

Imagine having no fear on your path to building a successful career you've been striving for, meeting and connecting with people you actually vibe with, & developing relationships that stand the test of time.

Well, that's where we come in...

This year we're doing Bootcamp Vegas-Style 🔥

In just 1 weekend, we'll take you from...
In just 1 weekend, we'll
take you from...
  Being stuck in the background of social situations, wishing things would change
  Being stuck in the background of social situations, wishing things would change
  Finding yourself overlooked for promotions and career advancement when you have so much to offer professionally
  Finding yourself overlooked for promotions and career advancement when you have so much to offer professionally
  Watching friends navigate dating and relationships with ease making you question what it is you’re “missing”
  Watching friends navigate dating and relationships with ease making you question what it is you’re “missing”
  Watching once-in-a-lifetime opportunities pass you by, hesitating and second guessing yourself in key moments
  Watching once-in-a-lifetime opportunities pass you by, hesitating and second guessing yourself in key moments
And turn you into a "social rockstar" - whose confidence, charisma, & charm takes every relationship in their life to a whole new level!
And turn you into a "social rockstar" - whose confidence, charisma, & charm takes every relationship in their life to a whole new level!
The days of 1-sided friendships where you put in ALL of the effort are over. Growing a close-knit group of friends, always being invited places, and filling your social calendar will have never been easier.

Your EQ and advanced communication skills will allow you to become the person who can light up a room the second they walk in & effortlessly attract like-minded people to you who genuinely want to get to know and you want to get to know too...

Ensuring that you’ll walk away from any social situation with real, meaningful connections & friendships with people who always reach out - not superficial acquaintances!
Nailing that interview, getting that esteemed promotion, building your network, making more money, or starting your own business will finally be achievable.

Your ability to confidently show up as a leader, captivate, articulate ideas, and influence outcomes will be exactly what’s needed to be seen as an invaluable member of the team, move the needle, and get the results you want most...

All without feeling “slimy,” inauthentic, pushy, or insincere AND while pushing yourself and those around you to excel!
Deepening your relationship or marriage, OR finally finding “the one” won’t feel so impossible ever again.

Sparks will fly, your chemistry will ignite, and your connection will strengthen when you’re able to open up vulnerably, and tap into the communication style & emotional bids of your partner.

Conversations will never run dry, “miscommunications” will be a thing of the past, and being on the same page will come naturally.

Bootcamp isn’t a weekend of lecturing concepts at you, or covering just the basics.

(Unlike other programs out there... 🙄)
It’s about hands-on, experiential learning proven to help you put elite social skills into practice in a way that actually sticks!

Our incredibly fun, ultra-impactful, science-backed exercises & real-time feedback will get you stepping out of the box and out of your comfort zone.
That way you can confidently…


Be the person everyone looks up to & use your confidence to inspire your colleagues and teammates to achieve new goals, and deliver unprecedented results.

Command Respect

Naturally gain the attention, respect and curiosity of friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances, allowing you to direct the momentum of those around you.

Read A Room

Scan a room and understand the dynamics at play in any social or professional situation so you can easily strike up a conversation with anyone, and connect with them instantly.

Analyze Character

Assess people’s confidence, competence, presence, and social awareness before they even know you’re paying attention, so you know exactly how to approach them.

Analyze Communication

Avoid coming off uninterested, creepy, or arrogant by effortlessly reading between the lines of communication and understanding why people are saying what they’re saying.


Go after what you want and get it by using subtle (and not-so-subtle) persuasion tactics to ethically influence decision-making and guide people toward your desired outcome.

Resolve Conflict

Be the guiding light of empathy that can easily diffuse arguments, disagreements, and tough conflicts at work, home, or in any social environment.

Tell Your Story

Move past conversations that simply share information and effectively use storytelling to grab people’s attention, draw them to you, express vulnerability, form deeper bonds, and creatively get your point across.

Master Emotional Intelligence

Raise your EQ so you can identify and destroy emotional triggers, negative thoughts, and destructive behaviors that keep you playing small or stop you from forming the habits necessary for success.
If you haven’t already guessed it...

These are the 9 elite social & emotional intelligence skills that’ll drive success in every single area of your life.

And we’re going to help you nail them! 🙌
“This is an experience you will never forget!"
“When I made the decision to attend an AoC program, my choice would change my life forever. I am so much more confident in my ability to attract and connect with both men and women. The coaches were amazing! My favorite part of the program was the tailored feedback; I grew by leaps and bounds each day because of the coach and peer feedback.

I am not scared about going out anymore or even worried about messing up. The AoC team has created the perfect atmosphere for people to feel comfortable with failing. I now look forward to when I fail because of the huge returns and lessons that come from it. Take a program and see for yourself how you can bring out the real you. This is an experience you will never forget!”

- Steve W.
“This is an experience you'll never forget!"
“When I made the decision to attend an AoC program, my choice would change my life forever. I am so much more confident in my ability to attract and connect with both men and women. The coaches were amazing! My favorite part of the program was the tailored feedback; I grew by leaps and bounds each day because of the coach and peer feedback.

I am not scared about going out anymore or even worried about messing up. The AoC team has created the perfect atmosphere for people to feel comfortable with failing. I now look forward to when I fail because of the huge returns and lessons that come from it. Take a program and see for yourself how you can bring out the real you. This is an experience you will never forget!”

- Steve W.

Here's how!

Foundational Trainings
Before coming to Bootcamp, there’s a little bit of work to be done. 😉

We’re going to release core trainings for you to work through in the month leading up to your Bootcamp session.

Each one of them will help you achieve a very specific result necessary for your success and momentum before, during, and well after Bootcamp.
Immersive Exercises
Our revolutionary exercises allow you to advance your body language, social skills, and emotional intelligence 10x faster. 

Your coaches will be able to easily and instantly identify & prescribe actions to course correct in real time.

You'll adjust, adapt and transform your skills like a ninja and return to your life with a new confidence and focus.
Field Nights
We're going to be putting your skills to the ultimate test!

You'll be stepping out of your comfort zone and onto the Las Vegas Strip to get real world exposure and experience using your new social tools, tactics, and skills. 

We will be there to support you and give you instant feedback so you can supercharge your interactions.
Extensive Accountability
No matter what, we’re going to make sure you accomplish the goals you set out to achieve!

During Bootcamp, we'll help you set clear guidelines and measurables to keep you on track, making progress, and accountable.

After the weekend is over, our extensive network of Bootcamp Alumni will continue to be there to support and inspire you.
Years Running
Bootcamps Held
Lives Changed
bottom line...

Bootcamp is tried & true!

The transformation at Bootcamp begins immediately!

We don’t rely on woo-woo affirmations or “Law of Attraction” style theory. And what we’re definitely not trying to do is create a “new” inauthentic you.

Real and measurable results that help our students unlock the potential that’s been in them their entire lives is what we care about most.

Bootcamp is specifically designed using research, first-hand experience, and science-backed strategies.

It’s the same proven process we’ve used to personally help billionaires, professional athletes, military elite special operators, doctors, lawyers, engineers, CEOs and professionals from companies like Google, Boeing, Netflix, and Amazon take their lives to the next level. 

So, no more having to analyze and overanalyze why you aren’t where you want to be and what the “problem” is.

Our dynamic exercises will rewrite your experiences with friends, colleagues, lovers, and new acquaintances to build the life you’ve always wanted.
And that’s what makes our approach 10x more effective than anything else out there!
“It’s an investment in your social skills, in self-reflection, and the ability to open up."
“I’ve come to realize that the best investment you can make is not in a house, a car or any other material thing, but in yourself. AoC is an investment in your social skills, in self-reflection, and the ability to open up, to name just a few.

It is a heap of fun; you will meet cool people and the instructors genuinely care about seeing you succeed because, after all, they went through the same process. Sure, you will be challenged and pushed out of your comfort zone, but that’s all part of the fun and adds to the feeling of exhilaration when you begin to achieve your goals!”

- Traian K.
“It’s an investment in your social skills, in self-reflection, and the ability to open up.”
“I’ve come to realize that the best investment you can make is not in a house, a car or any other material thing, but in yourself. AoC is an investment in your social skills, in self-reflection, and the ability to open up, to name just a few.

It is a heap of fun; you will meet cool people and the instructors genuinely care about seeing you succeed because, after all, they went through the same process. Sure, you will be challenged and pushed out of your comfort zone, but that’s all part of the fun and adds to the feeling of exhilaration when you begin to achieve your goals!”

- Traian K.

We're ready to take you
to the next level!

AJ Harbinger
AJ was on the fast track, pursuing his Ph.D. in Cancer Biology at the University of Michigan and working in the high pressure environment of a research lab. He would learn that performing well at your job isn’t always enough as he was passed over for opportunities and even having some of his proudest contributions overlooked. Something was missing.

His desire to figure it out was the inspiration for starting the Art of Charm Podcast over a decade ago. It was an opportunity to talk to world class experts and high achievers and learn how they found success in all areas of their lives. It was the scientist in him - have a problem, study it, and break down what’s going on.

He had no idea his “experiment” would lead him to hosting some of the most interesting people in the world from the late Kobe Bryant to Tim Ferriss. Those conversations totally shifted his life and set him on a path to building a successful business, speaking to large audiences, and serving other self-described introverts.

The achievement he is most proud of though is getting the opportunity to coach 1000s of individuals on how to chase their own dreams and live extraordinary lives.

We’re ready to take you to the next level!

AJ Harbinger
AJ was on the fast track, pursuing his Ph.D. in Cancer Biology at the University of Michigan and working in the high pressure environment of a research lab. He would learn that performing well at your job isn’t always enough as he was passed over for opportunities and even having some of his proudest contributions overlooked. Something was missing.

His desire to figure it out was the inspiration for starting the Art of Charm Podcast over a decade ago. It was an opportunity to talk to world class experts and high achievers and learn how they found success in all areas of their lives. It was the scientist in him - have a problem, study it, and break down what’s going on.

He had no idea his “experiment” would lead him to hosting some of the most interesting people in the world from the late Kobe Bryant to Tim Ferriss. Those conversations totally shifted his life and set him on a path to building a successful business, speaking to large audiences, and serving other self-described introverts.

The achievement he is most proud of though is getting the opportunity to coach 1000s of individuals on how to chase their own dreams and live extraordinary lives.
Johnny Dzubak
Johnny’s first love was rock ‘n roll. Being an international rockstar was always in the cards.

With music pumping through his veins, it’s no surprise he found himself touring the world and owning every stage he was on. 

But when the music stopped though, something became abundantly clear to him. The life of a rockstar can sometimes be lonely and would leave him wanting more in his personal life. Connection and deeper relationships.

Stepping away from music, he dedicated himself to learning everything about what makes us tick and how relationships work. That’s when he found his second love, helping others develop meaningful relationships that make life worthwhile.

Johnny is one of the most sought after coaches, bringing the same creativity, energy, and artistry to his coaching from his rockstar days.
Johnny Dzubak
Johnny’s first love was rock ‘n roll. Being an international rockstar was always in the cards.

With music pumping through his veins, it’s no surprise he found himself touring the world and owning every stage he was on. 

But when the music stopped though, something became abundantly clear to him. The life of a rockstar can sometimes be lonely and would leave him wanting more in his personal life. Connection and deeper relationships.

Stepping away from music, he dedicated himself to learning everything about what makes us tick and how relationships work. That’s when he found his second love, helping others develop meaningful relationships that make life worthwhile.

Johnny is one of the most sought after coaches, bringing the same creativity, energy, and artistry to his coaching from his rockstar days.

And it's not just us...

To make sure you get the time and attention needed to be 100% successful, we have an entire team of expert coaches for you at the ready!
Your all access ticket to
The #1 solution for unleashing your full potential & becoming the most confident, charismatic, and charming YOU!
Here's everything
that's included:
  3 days of intensive skill-building
      exercises, improv session, & video
  Immersive field training on the
      Vegas Strip
  Bootcamp Graduation Dinner
  Access to private AOC Alumni
      support, networking communities &
      mastermind events
  Lifetime access to exclusive
      Bootcamp Trainings
* The deadline to apply for a Fall 2024 session is May 27th
your all-access ticket to
The #1 solution for unleashing your full potential & becoming the most confident, charismatic, and charming YOU!
Here's everything that's included:
  3 days of intensive skill-building exercises, improv sessions, & video work
  Your own dedicated AOC Expert Coach & team
  Immersive field training on the Vegas Strip
  Access to private AOC Alumni support, networking communities, & mastermind events
  Lifetime access to exclusive Bootcamp Trainings
"It isn't just tricks or hacks - it's a way to become a better person."
"There's a lot of other boot camps and similar programs out there, but the content in Bootcamp comes from a genuine standpoint. It isn't just tricks or hacks - it's a way to become a better person.

I went in with a pretty open mindset. I really didn't have that high of expectations. I knew I was going to get something out of it, but what we got ... Just how the days progressed, the lectures, working with the other guys and an immersion into the whole thing. It was amazing how it all came together that last night. Just to see the growth in myself and everybody else that we went through the program with.

The Boot Camp gave me a different way of looking at things. One of my big takeaways was how everybody goes through life in auto-pilot mode. We have to be leaders and snap ourselves and people out of that auto-pilot mode. Life is too short to go through life with a frown on your face and being unhappy and not being your true authentic self.

It's probably been about a few months since I ended my program. You learn a lot, but the biggest part of it was meeting up with other people once you're out of the program and just putting the stuff into practice whether it's to be going to random events and just going by yourself or going with the other alumni, and having that attitude that we're going to go out together and we're going to practice this stuff. You may not have good success at first but we're going to get better and better at this."

- Lane K.
"It isn't just tricks or hacks - it's a way to become a better person."
"There's a lot of other boot camps and similar programs out there, but the content in Bootcamp comes from a genuine standpoint. It isn't just tricks or hacks - it's a way to become a better person.

I went in with a pretty open mindset. I really didn't have that high of expectations. I knew I was going to get something out of it, but what we got ... Just how the days progressed, the lectures, working with the other guys and an immersion into the whole thing. It was amazing how it all came together that last night. Just to see the growth in myself and everybody else that we went through the program with.

The Boot Camp gave me a different way of looking at things. One of my big takeaways was how everybody goes through life in auto-pilot mode. We have to be leaders and snap ourselves and people out of that auto-pilot mode. Life is too short to go through life with a frown on your face and being unhappy and not being your true authentic self.

It's probably been about a few months since I ended my program. You learn a lot, but the biggest part of it was meeting up with other people once you're out of the program and just putting the stuff into practice whether it's to be going to random events and just going by yourself or going with the other alumni, and having that attitude that we're going to go out together and we're going to practice this stuff. You may not have good success at first but we're going to get better and better at this."

- Lane K.
You'll come for the results...

But leave with so much more!

The relationships you’ll develop during Bootcamp and as a member of the Art of Charm tribe are unlike any other.

You’ll walk away from the weekend with a group of friends that feel more like a family.

Plus official access to our active network of thousands of AOC alumni who’ve been in your shoes before and will help keep you accountable with our exclusive Bootcamp Alumni Group.

You’ll get to reminisce & relive the Bootcamp experience and connect with local alumni near you!

“We are hardwired to connect with others. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

- Brene Brown
If there’s one thing all of our alumni have in common that makes them incredibly successful... it's that they're 100% committed!
( Like... so successful that this became a prerequisite for joining. )
They're committed to...
They're committed to...
  Their growth & leveling-up
  Being coachable
  Opening up & being vulnerable
  Putting their ego aside
  Their success & the success of others
  Playing full-out & taking action

Have questions?

We've got answers!
Will it be the right fit for me?
Bootcamp is designed for the driven introvert who is ready to take control of their life and step into the spotlight.

Does that sound like you?

So... as long as you’re willing to commit to your success, taking action, and open to feedback from expert coaches, this is exactly where you should be.
How long will it take to see results?
Dare we say immediately? Yes, we do.

You will be able to see a night-and-day difference in your social skills IMMEDIATELY during Bootcamp.

Our program is designed to extract & strengthen the natural charisma and social skills you already have (but need a little coaxing to come out). 😉
Can these skills really stick from just 1 weekend?
The skills you’re going to learn will stick with you for a lifetime. 

We know because we still have participants who attended Bootcamp a decade ago reaching out to share the wins they’re having in their lives because of our time together!

It all comes down to the fact that Bootcamp isn’t a “watch and learn” style program…

You’ll put everything into motion yourself over the weekend and do it right with our extreme attention to detail and guidance.
What is the upcoming
Bootcamp schedule?
August 2-4, 2024

We will be running more Bootcamps in 2025. 

Likely in March & April 2025.

We'll open enrollment for those dates as time gets closer.

Want to be the first to know when we do?

Click the button below & join our Bootcamp Spring 2025 Waitlist:
What's a typical day at
Bootcamp like?
Fun, tons of learning, and did we mention fun? 😉

Bootcamp is all about experience, filled with live exercises focused on improving the most important social skills (not long, stuffy lectures).

We work with you in the “classroom” and out in the real world so you can implement your skills right away!

Here's a loose run down of what to expect...

9:00am - 6:00pm: Bootcamp Session
9:00pm - 11:00pm: Field Training

9:00am - 6:00pm: Bootcamp Session
9:00pm - 11:00pm: Dinner + Field Training

9:00am - 3:00pm: Bootcamp Session
3:00pm - 4:00pm: Graduation 
Are accommodations provided?
We provide you with...

→ Lifetime access to our alumni network

→ Amazing transformation in your social skills

→ Some pretty awesome company 😉

You will be responsible for purchasing airfare to and from Las Vegas, NV - as well as your housing & transportation.
Is Bootcamp just for men?

Bootcamp Sessions are coed, and open to both women & men.

It's a great way for you to gain new perspectives and insights as you build your social skills and emotional intelligence.

When's the workshop? How long is it?

What if I can't attend live?

When's the workshop?
The Simple + Scalable Groups Workshop is happening TWICE:

Session 1: Wednesday, December 2nd @ 12pm PT (~2.5hrs)

Session 2: Friday, December 4th @ 9am PT (~2.5hrs)

You're more than welcome to attend both sessions, but you don't have to - we'll be covering the same information both times. Both will be hosted virtually on Zoom.
What if I can't attend live?
Although, we'd love all to attend live, we know that it won't be possible for everyone.

LIFETIME access to the workshop recordings is included with every ticket.

We want to help as many thought leaders as possible - even if they can't attend live AND we want all attendees to be able to revisit the training whenever they'd like.

Will this work for my niche?

Will I be able to ask questions?

Will this work for my niche?
Everything we teach in simple + scalable groups works for ALL niches in the coaching & consulting space...

Including: health & wellness, business, wealth, spirituality, personal development, relationships & so many more.

You'll develop a Unique Approach™ & curriculum for your signature group coaching program based on exactly how you help your 1:1 clients right now.
Will I be able to ask questions?
Of course! We're here to support you in getting your group out there as easily & quickly as possible. 

Your ticket will include LIVE Q&A sessions.

They'll happen during each workshop day. You're welcome to attend both days! 

There will also be additional opportunities to get direct support - stay tuned! 

Will it be the right fit for me?

How long will it take to see results?

What makes X-Factor Accelerator
different from other programs?

How much time do I have to
put into getting results?

Do I really get access to you guys?

Can I get a look inside the program?

Have questions?

We've got answers!

When's the workshop? How long is it?

What if I can't attend live?

When's the workshop?
The Simple + Scalable Groups Workshop is happening TWICE:

Session 1: Wednesday, December 2nd @ 12pm PT (~2.5hrs)

Session 2: Friday, December 4th @ 9am PT (~2.5hrs)

You're more than welcome to attend both sessions, but you don't have to - we'll be covering the same information both times. Both will be hosted virtually on Zoom.
What if I can't attend live?
Although, we'd love all to attend live, we know that it won't be possible for everyone.

LIFETIME access to the workshop recordings is included with every ticket.

We want to help as many thought leaders as possible - even if they can't attend live AND we want all attendees to be able to revisit the training whenever they'd like.

Will this work for my niche?

Will I be able to ask questions?

Will this work for my niche?
Everything we teach in simple + scalable groups works for ALL niches in the coaching & consulting space...

Including: health & wellness, business, wealth, spirituality, personal development, relationships & so many more.

You'll develop a Unique Approach™ & curriculum for your signature group coaching program based on exactly how you help your 1:1 clients right now.
Will I be able to ask questions?
Of course! We're here to support you in getting your group out there as easily & quickly as possible. 

Your ticket will include LIVE Q&A sessions.

They'll happen during each workshop day. You're welcome to attend both days! 

There will also be additional opportunities to get direct support - stay tuned! 

Will it be the right fit for me?

How long will it take to see results?

Do I need specific software or anything?
Bootcamp is designed for the driven introvert who is ready to take control of their life and step into the spotlight.

Does that sound like you?

So... as long as you’re willing to commit to your success, taking action, and open to feedback from expert coaches, this is exactly where you should be.
Will this work if I have a small audience?
Dare we say immediately? Yes, we do.

You will be able to see a night-and-day difference in your social skills IMMEDIATELY during Bootcamp.

Our program is designed to extract & strengthen the natural charisma and social skills you already have (but need a little coaxing to come out). 😉

What is the upcoming Bootcamp schedule?

What's a typical day at Bootcamp like?

How long will it take to launch my group?
August 2-4, 2024

We will be running more Bootcamps in 2025. 

Likely in March & April 2025.

We'll open enrollment for those dates as time gets closer.

Want to be the first to know when we do?

Click the button below & join our Bootcamp Spring 2025 Waitlist:

Will this work for my niche?
Fun, tons of learning, and did we mention fun? 😉

Bootcamp is all about experience, filled with live exercises focused on improving the most important social skills (not long, stuffy lectures).

We work with you in the “classroom” and out in the real world so you can implement your skills right away!

Here's a loose run down of what to expect...

9:00am - 6:00pm: Bootcamp Main Session
9:00pm - 11:00pm: Vegas Strip Field Training

9:00am - 6:00pm: Bootcamp Main Session
9:00pm - 11:00pm: Dinner + Field Training

9:00am - 3:00pm: Bootcamp Main Session
3:00pm - 4:00pm: Graduation Celebration

Are accommodations provided?

Is Bootcamp just for men?

How much coaching experience do I need before I launch a group program?
We provide you with...

Lifetime access to our alumni network

Amazing transformation in your social skills

Some pretty awesome company 😉

You will be responsible for purchasing airfare to and from Las Vegas, NV - as well as your housing & transportation.

Are you showing what to cover in our program or how to set it up online?

Bootcamp Sessions are coed, and open to both women & men.

It's a great way for you to gain new perspectives and insights as you build your social skills and emotional intelligence.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We're so confident you'll get results at Bootcamp, we're putting all the risk on our shoulders.

We want to make the decision to join Bootcamp the most valuable and easiest decision you'll make this year.

That's why we offer our 100% Bootcamp Satisfaction Guarantee!

If by the end of the program you feel like you didn't get any value out of it we will refund you the entire amount back.

Just pull one of our coaches aside by the last day of the program and let them know why you weren't satisfied.

Let’s take your confidence, charisma, charm, communication, & connections to a whole new level!

Fill out an application, talk to an Art of Charm coach, secure your spot at Bootcamp, and we'll see you in Vegas! 😎
Still have questions?
Please feel free to email us your
question, we're happy to help!
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